Sunday, March 27, 2011

So this last week Wisconsin got more snow! terrible! summer was here...... and now( not so much).
The large Weau tv 13 tower fell during the storm!!! When it was first built it held the record for the tallest structure the the nation!Of course it got beat years later by a news tower in South dakoda. They built theirs a foot taller! Well any how the it was visible from my parents deck on the horizon! Now its gone! It is quite weird not seeing it at night! I really wouldn't mind (I don't have time to watch much tv) if it hadn't been for the fact that my favorite radio station also used the tower (Waxx 104.5). Now I cant get any good country stations in and the other stations (in my opinion) are just not that great! Oh well! The news is that the new tower might not be built for six months to a year!I might just loose my mind!lol

Friday, March 18, 2011

Well its been since October of last year since the last time that I posted! I guess that means its time!

I look at the calender and its already the 18 or wait maybe the 19 now! Its past 12 at night so new day( see what i mean). I have the hardest time keeping track of the days lately! It goes to fast!
At the beginning of the month I attend the conference in Eau Claire! It was really good! The speakers where amazing! I especially like the Friday night session's! The younger speakers where really good! There's a lot of promise in all of those guys! Saturday was amazing! We went to bed at 2:30 in the morning and woke up at six to start setting up sound at the the Plaza! needless to say I was pretty tired and had some trouble staying awake for some of the sessions ( not good)!