Thursday, December 1, 2011

Penn. State

If you have spent any time in the last few weeks watching the news, one of the biggest headlines that may have caught your eye is the recent issue involving Penn State and their former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. Sandusky was charged with 40 counts of rape and sexual abuse of eight boys during his fifteen year career at Penn State. The question most of us ask ourselves is how a respected man of the community, who is married and has children of his own, could suddenly come out as having sexually molested 8 different children.

How can parents protect their children from this growing invisible threat? The amount that sexual abuse affects our country is enormous. Even those who are not abused are affected by this problem. No matter how hard we try, each of us has been affected by it in some way or another.

In her recent article CNN writer Roxanne Jones (2011) talked about some of the victims who have shared their terrible experiences after the situation of Penn State arose. The victims all spoke of the guilt and shame they all feel. One thing that I observed while reading was that most of these victims were almost all over the age of thirty. According to statistics found on (2005) 60% most victims never report what happened to them. In the case of these particular victims they didn’t tell anyone until years later. This means that most of these people have spent most of their lives hiding the problem. Either they were afraid to tell or they thought no one would believe them. This is exactly where we find our problem.

Across America, we have developed an all too easy way of dealing with the problem. Ignore it. I have heard and read about too many parents who almost always refuse to deal with the problem when told. Many parents either pretend that they were never told or even worse, the child is told that they are lying. The crime ends up getting buried by the exact people who should be exposing and dealing with it. This is not to say that victims of sexual crime necessarily always need a judicial victory to recover from what happened. Children need someone who they can trust to listen to listen to them. All too often the parent abandons the child because the adult has no idea how to deal with it themselves.

So how can we help to solve and prevent this problem? The answer is simple. Be prepared. If your child where to tell you that something happened, what would be your reaction? Would you cover it up because it embarrasses you? Or would you find some way to deal with it? If you talk with your children and warn them against sexual abuse they will be far more likely to tell you or the authorities if anything ever where to happen. Each of us is responsible to have a plan for on how to deal with this if it ever where to happen. It’s our children, our community, are future.

In the case of Penn. State, they will be remembered for what they did do not what they didn’t do. Finally someone has the nerve to stand for what’s right. They made a stand for all the people across the nation who has been hurt by sexual abuse. We have a job and a responsibility. To stand for those who have been injured.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

Penn. State

If you have spent any time in the last few weeks watching the news, one of the biggest headlines that may have caught your eye is the recent issue involving Penn State and their former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. Sandusky was charged with 40 counts of rape and sexual abuse of eight boys during his fifteen year career at Penn State. The question most of us ask ourselves is how a respected man of the community, who is married and has children of his own, could suddenly come out as having sexually molested 8 different children.

How can parents protect their children from this growing invisible threat? The amount that sexual abuse affects our country is enormous. Even those who are not abused are affected by this problem. No matter how hard we try, each of us has been affected by it in some way or another.

In her recent article CNN writer Roxanne Jones (2011) talked about some of the victims who have shared their terrible experiences after the situation of Penn State arose. The victims all talked about the guilt and shame they all feel. One thing that I observed while reading was that most of these victims were almost all over the age of thirty. According to statistics found on (2005) 60% most victims never report what happened to them. In the case of these particular victims they didn’t tell anyone until years later. This means that most of these people have spent most of their lives hiding the problem. Either they were afraid to tell or they thought no one would believe them. This is exactly where we find our problem.

Across America, we have developed an all too easy way of dealing with the problem. Ignore it. I have heard and read about too many parents who almost always refuse to deal with the problem when told. Many parents either pretend that they were never told or even worse, the child is told that they are lying. The crime ends up getting buried by the exact people who should be exposing and dealing with it. This is not to say that victims of sexual crime necessarily always need a judicial victory to recover from what happened. Children need someone who they can trust to listen to listen to them. All too often the parent abandons the child because the adult has no idea how to deal with it themselves.

So how can we help to solve and prevent this problem? The answer is simple. Be prepared. If your child where to tell you that something happened, what would be your reaction? Would you cover it up because it embarrasses you? Or would you find some way to deal with it? If you talk with your children and warn them against sexual abuse they will be far more likely to tell you or the authorities if anything ever where to happen. Each of us is responsible to have a plan for on how to deal with this if it ever where to happen. It’s our children, our community, are future.

In the case of Penn. State, they will be remembered for what they did do not what they didn’t do. Finally someone has the nerve to stand for what’s right. They made a stand for all the people across the nation who has been hurt by sexual abuse. We have a job and a responsibility. To stand for those who have been injured.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

Monday, April 4, 2011

So the week before last I spent quite a few days looking into college! I thought I would be spending my senior year at the technical college but things changed a bit.
So during open enrollment in March I enrolled into a charter school! I spent about a week on the paper form that you send in that tells them about yourself.(I wouldn't usually wouldn't spend that kind of time on that kind of paper but I wanted it to be better than perfect) About the time I finished (the paper) I went to their open house to visit! They informed me that they would only be taking in four high school students. The high school is also interlinked with the junior high so I just dropped the idea thinking (logically) that it would be best to just not put in any more time trying to get into the the school. There was no way I was gonna get in so I turned my energy to college.I never even sent in the form and forgot about the whole thing. Then this last week I got a letter of acceptance to the school!!!!! So that's where i will be going for the last year of high school! needless I am pretty excited about it!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

So this last week Wisconsin got more snow! terrible! summer was here...... and now( not so much).
The large Weau tv 13 tower fell during the storm!!! When it was first built it held the record for the tallest structure the the nation!Of course it got beat years later by a news tower in South dakoda. They built theirs a foot taller! Well any how the it was visible from my parents deck on the horizon! Now its gone! It is quite weird not seeing it at night! I really wouldn't mind (I don't have time to watch much tv) if it hadn't been for the fact that my favorite radio station also used the tower (Waxx 104.5). Now I cant get any good country stations in and the other stations (in my opinion) are just not that great! Oh well! The news is that the new tower might not be built for six months to a year!I might just loose my mind!lol

Friday, March 18, 2011

Well its been since October of last year since the last time that I posted! I guess that means its time!

I look at the calender and its already the 18 or wait maybe the 19 now! Its past 12 at night so new day( see what i mean). I have the hardest time keeping track of the days lately! It goes to fast!
At the beginning of the month I attend the conference in Eau Claire! It was really good! The speakers where amazing! I especially like the Friday night session's! The younger speakers where really good! There's a lot of promise in all of those guys! Saturday was amazing! We went to bed at 2:30 in the morning and woke up at six to start setting up sound at the the Plaza! needless to say I was pretty tired and had some trouble staying awake for some of the sessions ( not good)!